Former CHHS star enjoys success in German basketball league

Published 10:22 pm Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Like most young hoopsters, Jason Swanson dreamed of playing basketball for a living. He wanted to play the game he loved, and make money at it. Swanson gets to do that every day; he just didn’t know he would have to go halfway around the world to do it.

Swanson plays professional basketball for Licher BasketBaren in Germany. The team is located in Lich, a town of about 13,000 citizens in west-central Germany.

Swanson said that during his playing days at Charles Henderson High School he never imagined he would wind up in Germany.

“I knew I wanted to play in the pros, just didn’t think that I would wind up in Germany,” said Swanson. “My roommate is from the states, but I haven’t seen too many folks from back home.”

After graduating from Charles Henderson, Swanson played at Shelton State Community College and the University of West Alabama. He said that the European style of basketball is much different than the style he grew up playing.

Coaches and team place more of an emphasis on fundamental overseas.

“Back home, we just played and as long as we won the coach didn’t really care,” said Swanson. “Now the coaches have set plays and are big on fundamentals.”

Swanson did say that he liked the food in Germany, but that some things are very different that Troy, Alabama.

“There are just cars and people ever where,” said Swanson. “It’s a lot different than back home.”

Swanson is with his second team overseas. He spent some time with Noerdlingen when first arriving in Germany.

The Troy native admitted that he “had a messed up attitude” during his younger days and urges younger players to embrace what others try to tell him.

“Just soak up everything you can,” said Swanson. “If someone tries to help you, listen to what they have to say and get something from it.”