‘Dance with the one that brought you’

Published 8:30 am Friday, September 7, 2012

There’s a saying, “Dance with the one that brought you.”

I think it applies to college sports, as well as relationships.

As I drive around Troy and Troy University’s campus, I’m amazed at the number of Alabama and Auburn bumper stickers, window decals and other items that declare love of a team other than Troy. Troy students walk around with Auburn caps instead of cardinal and black ones.

That’s not to say you can’t be a fan of another team or cheer on players you like who aren’t on the field for your alma mater, but there is a school right in our backyard where many of us received our degrees. There’s an educational facility that employs a great deal of people who live in Troy. It’s a school that gives scholarships and opportunities to students who might not otherwise have the chance to further their education.

I didn’t grow up in Troy, but I am a Troy girl. My mother is a Troy graduate, now in her 43 year of teaching. Two uncles are Troy grads, one served many years in the area as a banker and the other still works as an accountant here. Two aunts received their degrees from Troy. My brother studied computer science at Troy. Two cousins are graduates and one has almost completed his studies. My husband and I both graduated from the Hall School of Journalism at Troy University.

Troy University may not receive the national publicity that Auburn University or the University of Alabama see on a regular basis, but that doesn’t mean the school isn’t worthy of support.

Troy is a school that produces its own share of talent. Jill Dobson of Fox News and Tom Foreman of CNN are Troy alumni. Former NASA astronaut William G. Gregory studied at Troy. Senators, mayors and major generals are even graduates of Troy University.

And, as the school prepares for the first home game of the 2012 season, let’s not forget Super Bowl XVII players Osi Umenyiora, Lawrence Tynes and Jerrel Jernigan. Or DeMarcus Ware, Virgil Seay, Derrick Moore, Larry Mason, Al Lucas, Brannon Condren, Elbert Mack and Alfred Malone – all who have played or are playing in the NFL.

So while you might still like to cheer for other teams in the state where your parents or grandparents went to school, if you are a Troy grad be proud of it.

Put a “T” next to your “A” or “AU” on the back window of your car. And get your cardinal, black and silver ready for the game on Saturday.

For many of us, Troy helped shape who we are and where we ended up. Let’s show a little gratitude and support in exchange.