Troy Arts Council unveils schedule

Published 11:00 pm Friday, August 31, 2012

The Marvelous Wonderettes are a cotton-candy colored, nonstop pop musical blast from the past. The ladies will perform on April 5.

The Troy Arts Council doesn’t often toot its own horn but, with the unveiling Friday of its 2012-2013 performance season, it has every right to blow away.

Dr. William Denison, TAC president, said this year’s calendar of events is one of the most outstanding ever.

“The TAC’s 2012-2013 season offers something for everyone,” Denison said. “Everything is not for everyone but there is something for everyone. With such a versatile calendar, we expect to have great attendance at each performance.”

The mission of the TAC is to aid, encourage, advise and correlate activities that promote the cultural arts in Troy and Pike County and to integrate those activities into the total life of the area.

“Each year, our season is planned in accordance with our mission and for the benefit of our extended community,” Denison said.

“The TAC season features nine headline events beginning Sept. 22 with Broadway’s Marcy and Zina Show, which is a perfect catalyst for the new season because the duo is one of the most original voices in American musical theater today.”

Marcy and Zina have long been known as the duo that writes quirky and original songs about love, the art of falling in and out of love, and the zany things that can happen on the dating scene. It is a show that young people will really enjoy along with all of those who are or ever have been in love, Denison said.

The October 30, Sinatra Tribute is targeted for, but not limited to, the older generation.

“This will be a fantastic performance,” Denison said. “It will take the audience back to the golden days of the Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra, and his classy swing style of music. Frank Sinatra’s unforgettable tunes and unmatched voice defined music for a generation.”

The TAC’s annual Holiday Spectacular has become a Troy tradition. Shelia Jackson & Friends Christmas Concert (Nov. 30) is always one of the most highly attended calendar events.

“Shelia always has a fantastic show” Denison show. “She has an incredible voice and she invites a host of local vocalists, dancers and musicians to join her for this holiday show, which is both a variety show and a holiday spectacular.”

New to the season’s offerings will be a presentation of the History of the English Bible on Dec. 7.

In January, the TAC will bring two musical performances to the stage. A Sunday matinee on Jan. 13 will feature world-class accordionist Alexandre Sevastian in concert. He has won four International Accordion Competitions and has toured as a soloist throughout Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Italy and Japan.

“Then, on Jan. 28, the Merling Trio will come to town,” Denison said. “The trio is recognized as one of today’s premier ensembles. It is truly as international trio in that it brings together musicians from Polish, Japanese and Dutch backgrounds.”

The Merling Trio is known for its remarkable gifts of communication, magnificent precision and an impeccable blend of sound. That is a combination that brings the audience to its feet in appreciation.

When Spencer’s Theatre of Illusion comes to Troy on Feb. 12, the Claudia Crosby Theater just might be filled to capacity.

“Spencer’s Theatre of Illusion is going to be one of our most popular events,” Denison said. “It’s going to be big. For the Spencers, magic is not merely about baffling the audience by doing something seemingly impossible. It’s about drama, spectacle, interaction, danger and personality.”

Denison said the husband and wife duo can penetrate through walls and levitate with the best of them.

“The Spencers don’t want the audience to just sit in their seats and watch, they invite audience participation,” he said. “They are called ‘Modern Day Houdinis’ and they live up to that name.”

On April 5, another bang-bang performance by The Marvelous Wonderettes will excite and entertain the audience.

The Marvelous Wonderettes are a cotton-candy colored, nonstop pop musical blast from the past.

“The Wonderettes sing the favorite songs from the 1950s and ’60s,” Denison said. “They take you on a musical trip down memory lane.”

The culminating event for the TAC’s 2012-2013 season will be TroyFest, a juried arts and crafts show held on the square in downtown Troy (April 27 & 28).

Each year, TroyFest features many of the outstanding artists and craftsmen in the area along with non-stop entertainment, children’s’ activities and a corner to showcase the community.

The art of local sculptor Walter Black, the Best of Show winner at TroyFest 2012, will be featured at the Johnson Center for the Arts during the month of April and at TroyFest.

The Troy Arts Council was founded as a non-profit educational organization in 1972.

Major funding for the TAC comes from its patrons who purchase season tickets annually and from the City of Troy. Troy University is an important in-kind sponsor that provides performance spaces and support staff.

The TAC also receives donations from corporations, organizations and individuals as well as through grants awarded from the Alabama State Council on the Arts, SouthArts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Those who support the TAC by attending its calendar of events, not only benefit from outstanding stage performances at the Claudia Crosby Theater, they also help bring exciting professional performances in music, theater and dance to Troy and Pike County and support programs for Troy area schools in visual arts, music, drama and dance.

Support of the TAC also helps provide student scholarships and assists community arts organizations with budgetary support and with TroyFest and the Film Festival.

Patron support is extremely important if the TAC is to continue to offer the high quality performances for which it is known, Denison said. There are different levels of TAC Patrons’ memberships beginning at $75 with one season ticket. Each membership includes season tickets, depending on the level, but Patron memberships are the best ticket in town.

To become a TAC Patron, call the TAC at 334-670-2288 or visit the TAC website at