Sanders announces candidacy

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, August 23, 2012

Michael R. Sanders has announced his candidacy for Mayor of the Town of Goshen. Sanders is no stranger to the office having served as Goshen’s Mayor for eighteen years, from 1986-2004. During his tenure, Goshen moved from a horse and buggy town hall to a modern town hall that serves the needs of the entire community. The new town hall now provides a large community meeting space, as well as a space dedicated to senior citizens. Under his leadership, the Senior Nutrition Program was formed. This program serves 30 seniors hot meals Monday through Friday. Seniors are an important part of the Goshen community, needing a strong support system.

Michael Sanders

As a farmer, Sanders is aware of changes affecting the agricultural segment of our community.

He has a proven track record in working with local businesses, and will continue those efforts during these difficult economic times.

Sanders’ past tenure has prepared him to lead Goshen. He believes that by working together, the mayor and town council can effectively lead the community into the future.

“As your mayor, I will work closely with the council to provide the citizens of Goshen the best results our resources can provide, “ said Sanders.

A lifelong resident of Goshen, he and his wife, Nancy, have four daughters, Melissa, Marybeth, Julie and Jamie. They are members of Goshen Baptist Church.

“Having only lived in Goshen, I know and love this place,” Sanders said. “As a fifth generation resident of Goshen, I desire to serve the people here as I have in the past. Together we can ensure that Goshen will continue to thrive. Leadership makes a difference, I can provide that leadership.”

The Goshen municipal election is scheduled for Aug. 28.

This article was submitted by mayoral candidate Michael Sanders.