Sen. Bryan Taylor addresses Pike County Republican Women

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Probate Judge Wes Allen, Jacqueline Floyd, Sen. Bryan Taylor, and Circuit Clerk Jamie Scarbrough pose for a photo after Wednesday’s Pike County Republican Women’s luncheon

The August meeting of the Pike County Republican Women was held Wednesday at the American Legion Building on Walnut Street.

A near capacity crowd listened as Sen. Bryan Taylor addressed several issues facing the Legislature at this time, with special focus on the September Amendment regarding transferring funds from the Education Trust Fund to the General Fund. Taylor has introduced a bill that, if the amendment to transfer funds is affirmed by voters, would require repayment of the funds in three years with a forced repayment at the end of the three years. While he did not take a position on the amendment, he provided a balanced perspective of the situation facing the state, and the perils of failure to repay the funds to the Education Trust Fund.

Taylor is no stranger to the PCRW and spoke candidly. He described the impact of the salary increase the Legislature voted themselves in 2007.

He also outlined its unfairness to Alabamians and his attempts to modify the ruling. There were many questions and the attendees remained after adjournment to talk with him, and other officials. The next meeting of the PCRW will be September 26th. All interested men and women are invited to attend.

Special Guests Wednesday included Senator Bryan Taylor, Representative Alan Boothe, Probate Judge Wes Allen, Circuit Clerk Jamie Scarbrough, County Commissioner Oren Fannin, Brundidge Councilman Lawrence Bowden, PCEC Chairman Thom Haigh, and Vice Chairman Brett Vann, Pike County Young Republican Chairman Jeffrey Knight and County Commission candidates Walter Murphy and Joey Jackson.

This article was submitted by Ginny Hamm with the Pike County Republican Women.