Vine Church plants new roots, continues to grow

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, August 8, 2012

As pastor of The Vine Church, I would like to thank the people of Troy for supporting us over the past 12 years as we’ve tried to bring a new way of communicating God’s heart to people. Hopefully, everyone has heard that The Vine Church is re-launching Sunday, August 12th at the Troy Recreation Center. Many have asked why. Quite simply, we need a larger location to carry out our new vision.

Our desire is to be a life-giving church – where church is about others, not just about what we like. That’s why my wife Karla and I went through rigorous training sessions this past year at the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and Grow Leader conferences at the Church of the Highlands in Birmingham.

With only 10 percent of our nation’s population attending church on any given Sunday, we realize that what we’ve been doing isn’t working. Our new vision concentrates on just four things:

1. Sunday morning experiences that are exciting and geared toward people who don’t know the Lord or are away from Him

2. Small Groups that encourage all members to mature in their faith and connect to each other on a personal level.

3. A Growth Track process that people can go through to join the church, learn their strengths, and learn about the Dream Team.

4. A Dream Team where all members find fulfillment by serving in an area that they are gifted and passionate about.

We are excited to be moving closer into the heart of Troy. We invite everyone to our first service at 10:00 a.m. August 12th at the Troy Recreation Center on Enzor Road. We also ask our sister churches of all denominations to pray for us as we try to reach the unchurched in our county. May God bless us all.

Louis Johnson


The Vine Church