Local eatery keeps providing meals for homebound

Published 10:40 pm Friday, August 3, 2012

Since 1997, Julia’s Restaurant has provided nearly 43,000 meals to homebound residents of Troy.

“That’s the least that we can do,” said Charlotte Hussey, restaurant owner. “People have been so good to us and we want to do something in return. Providing meals for those who are homebound is something that we can do. It is the least that we can do.”

Julia’s Restaurant is assisted in its Meals on Wheels program by the Colley Senior Complex.

“We do the cooking and they do the serving,” Hussey said.

Monday through Friday, Julia’s prepares 11 meals for homebound residents of Troy and the staff members and volunteers at the Colley Senior Complex deliver the meals all across the city.

“We would like to send meals seven days a week and we did for a while,” Hussey said. “But the senior complex was short on volunteers on weekends so we aren’t doing that right now. But, some of these people aren’t getting good meals on the weekend and that’s a sad thing and it worries me.”

Hussey said Julia Hutchinson started the Meals on Wheels program and it is something that she wanted to continue.

There are no requirements to receive the meals except that one must be homebound and not receiving meals through any other program.

“I was a nurse before I bought the restaurant and I had an invalid in my family so I was aware of how hard it often is for homebound people to get a good nutritious meal,” Hussey said. “Much of the time, they don’t get vegetables and meat. At Julia’s, we want to support the community that supports us and providing meals for those who need them is what we can do.”

The meals that Julia “serves” to homebound residents include a meat and two vegetables.

“We have to keep in mind that there are certain foods that many elderly people cannot eat,” Hussey said. “So, we don’t put turnips or collards on the plates because so many people are on coumadin. And, we don’t put liver on the plates. Liver is not good for people who have gout and a lot of seniors are affected. We are very mindful of what we serve to those on our homebound list.”

Glenda Fayson, who volunteers with the Julia’s Meals on Wheels program, said all of those at the Complex who are involved feel blessed to be a part of something that is so beneficial to so many.

“Not many people know that Julia’s provides meals for the homebound,” Fayson said. “It is such a wonderful thing and we know how much it is appreciated.”

Fayson said that most days, when the deliveries are made, the homebound residents are waiting with the door open.

“Not many elderly people keep their doors open but these people do,” Fayson said. “That’s how much they look forward to these meals and how much that are needed and appreciated.”

Hussey said the meals are not a “real big expense” to the restaurant and, hopefully, they are a benefit to the community.

“We love providing these meals,” she said. “We get a blessing every time we serve a plate for our homebound people.”