CHHS re-branded with new logo

Published 10:30 pm Friday, July 27, 2012

Charles Henderson High School is being re-branded.

The school has a new logo, a new motto and brochures that should be popping up at area businesses any day now.

“We wanted to demonstrate to people what our school is truly about,” said CHHS principal Dr. Boyd English.

The new logo features an interlocking “C” and “H” that symbolizes unity, according to English. The motto reads, “The place where champions are made.”

“We want to be champions in everything we do,” English explained. “We want our students to be champions in academics, in athletics and in life. This statement is an expression of what we do here at the school.”

The brochures about the school are designed as a quick peek into the administration and what the school offers – including academic programs, fine arts programs and athletic opportunities. There’s even a brief history lesson about Charles Henderson.

“We want the community to recognize our brand and what our goal is so they can support our students, too,” English said.

The school’s marquee will be home to the new logo and CHHS fans can purchase new car tags, bumper stickers, T-shirts and decals at the school’s office.

“A brand is only as good as the product you put out, though,” English explained. “We want to represent our school well, our community well and we definitely want to be remembered as a place that does a fantastic job of educating students.”