God’s work
Published 11:04 pm Monday, July 23, 2012

Nine teens and four adults representing Southside Baptist Church reently traveled to Belize for a mission trip. jacob Morgan, youth pastor, said the group members participated in a variety of activites. (Submitted Photo)
Teens, adults travel to Belize to spread their faith
By Tyler Spivey
Some area youth are fresh back from Belize where they participated in a mission trip to spread the word of God.
“It was great,” said Jacob Morgan, the youth pastor at Southside Baptist Church.
Morgan said the youth group saw “good moments” while visiting the people of Belize, some who have never heard about God, he said.
The group participated in street evangelism, visited orphanages and nursing homes, and took part in Vacation Bible School at a local church.
Caleb Gray, one of the youth participants, said he was nervous because this was his first time outside the U.S.
“I was sick to my stomach when I got there,” Gray said. “After about the first day I was fine.”
He said the most special experience for him was spending time with a local Belize child named Isaac. Gray said that by the end of the trip, the child was referring to him as his “best friend.”
Morgan reported that the best experience for him was watching the church’s youth connect and really care for the people they met in Belize.
Morgan’s wife, Anna, said she was also blessed by the trip.
“God just really provided for us and made the trip really smooth,” said Anna Morgan.
“It was a great trip.”
Morgan said she “really enjoyed” going door-to-door in the foreign country and sharing the love of Christ.
“I would go back,” said chaperone Pam Edenfield. “It was very rewarding for me.”
Edenfield said she participated in an “eye-glass clinic” with a ministry from Canada where members of the church organizations handed out sunglasses and prescription glasses to people in Belize.
Edenfield said she’d urge anyone who is presented the opportunity to participate in a mission trip and that there are plenty of chances to go with churches in Pike County.
The trip was a weeklong event with 13 participants on the mission – nine students and four adults.