Children learning that ‘Jesus does miracles’

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, June 14, 2012

Written by Tyler Spivey
Inter with The Messenger

The director of Vacation Bible School at Southside Baptist Church wants children to learn a simple message.

“The message would be that Jesus, he died on the cross for them and that he rose again so that they can have eternal life,” said Wendy Watson. “That’s what’s most important.”

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The church has a long history of hosting VBS – more than 20 years – according to Watson. And every year there are children at VBS who don’t normally come to church.

“It’s priceless,” said Watson. “It’s exciting because I know that Vacation Bible School is the best way to reach kids, and they’re our future.”

This year, the children are participating in activities such as relay races, arts and crafts, and making airplanes to go along with the theme of “Amazing Wonders Aviation.”

“I’m learning that Jesus does miracles,” said 7-year-old K.C. Bradford. “It’s just amazing.”

And part of that learning comes through studying Bible stories. Adrienne Giglio, 7, said Daniel and the Lion’s Den was her favorite story from the Bible.

“God made the Lion’s mouth shut and not eat Daniel,” Giglio said.

Watson said there wasn’t one thing specifically that she enjoyed about VBS, but rather that she enjoyed everything about the event because it’s a fun way to learn about Jesus.

The teaching is sticking as evidenced by words from the children.

Student Davis Kilcrease said he liked learning at VBS because Jesus was his “savior.”

VBS at Southside Baptist Church ends today and 182 children attended this year.