Tuck announces candidacy

Published 11:00 pm Monday, June 11, 2012

Shelby Tuck has announced he is pursuing the Troy City Council Member District 1 seat on Aug. 28, 2012.

“I am a native of Troy and I am a product of Troy City Schools,” Tuck said. “It is my heartfelt desire to be a member of the city council to make a difference in our great city!

“I firmly believe that our community is growing rapidly. I am seeking to become the city council member for District 1 because I want to be a voice for the people in my district, and I want to be an active participant in moving our wonderful city in the right direction, as well as meeting the ever-changing needs of all citizens in Troy.

“Also, I am confident that Troy can become an even greater place to live, raise a family, and work with new and innovative ideas from our local government leaders. Our community has the potential for tremendous growth!

“I strongly feel we should invest in making our city a better place for our children and the future generations to come,” Tuck said. “I ask that you give me the opportunity to serve you and provide for the needs of our community.”

This article was submitted by candidate Shelby Tuck.