Troy Music Study Club hosts Young Artists program

Published 11:00 pm Monday, June 11, 2012

The Troy Music Study Club completed its club year with a “Young Artists of Troy” program coordinated by Amanda Ford.

The meeting, hosted by the Ellis Bushes, John Dews, and the Jim Rolings met in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church the evening of May 21.

The president, Dovie Cutchen, called the meeting to order welcoming the members, young artists and their families and friends. She led the repeating of the Federation Collect and the AFMC Prayer, written by Tom Garner (1869-1944).

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The singing of the Federation Hymn and “Together We Sing” was led by William Denison, choral director and Lyra Crapps, accompanist.

President Cutchen gave the background of May’s song, “While Strolling Though the Park One Day”, composed by Ed Haley. June Kendrick, Music in Poetry chairman, read Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Concord Hymn” in honor of Memorial Day.

During the business session, reports were given by officers and committee chairmen. Don Crapps gave a report on the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs Convention which was held in Mobile on May 18 and 19. Six members of Troy Music Study Club attended.

This article was submitted by the Troy Music Study Club.