Jane Thrash places in Ms. Senior Alabama Pageant

Published 11:01 pm Monday, June 11, 2012

Jane Thrash, Ms. Senior Pike County, was second runner-up in the Ms. Senior Alabama Pageant in Hanceville on Saturday.

The pageant preliminaries began on Thursday with the culminating event on Saturday.

“We are very excited and pleased that Jane did so well in the pageant,” said Maxine Hollis, chair of the local Ms. Senior pageant. “This was the first year that we have sponsored a Ms. Senior Pike County pageant, therefore, Jane was our first entry in the state pageant. So, for Ms. Senior Pike County to place in the competition was fantastic and we congratulate Jane. She represented Pike County well and will continue to do so throughout the year.”

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Thrash said she had not expected to place in the pageant.

“I had picked out the winner, Ms. Senior Shelby County (Niva Dorough),” she said. “When I heard her sing, I said, ‘that’s the winner.’ I just didn’t see myself in the top three but I was very excited to be the second runner up and I’m looking forward to representing Pike County as its Senior Ms. during the year.”

Thrash said the state pageant was very demanding but a great experience.

“Wallace State Community College was a great host site and we were also entertained with a tribute dinner with the judges and members of the Ms. Senior Alabama board in Cullman,” she said.

Preparing for the pageant’s opening number took time and hard work but was enjoyable, Thrash said.

“The judges’ interview was conducted by two former Ms. Senior Americas and a news anchor from the NBC affiliate in Birmingham,” she said. “For my first question, I was asked if I could go anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would it be? I said Hawaii because I’m an outdoor person. I love the sun and the water and the energy that the water creates.”

Other questions dealt with promoting senior citizens, requiring advanced placement courses for all high school students and juggling the role of Ms. Senior Alabama along with work and other activities.

“To that, I said that, if winning was God’s will, then He would allow me the time,” Thrash said.

For her talent, Thrash transformed herself into Lucille from the novel “Crazy in Alabama” by Mark Childress.

Lucille had just disposed of her husband and was off to Los Angeles to become a star.

“Being Lucille was a lot of fun and had the audience laughing,” Thrash said. “I had a good time as Lucille and a wonderful time at the pageant. Recognition was given to the winner and first and second runners up. I’m excited and honored to have been one of them.”

Thrash said that, as Ms. Senior Pike County, she is ready to hit the ground running. When invited, she will be willing to perform her talent or talk with groups and organizations about the role of senior citizens in today’s world.