Commission approves repair work

Published 11:03 pm Monday, June 11, 2012

A bridge on County Road 2280 will be undergoing emergency repair work.

“Partially rotten timbers were found,” said Pike County Engineer Russell Oliver at Monday night’s Pike County Commission Meeting.

The commission voted to approve a transfer of up to $6,000 out of the county’s Road and Bridge fund to make those repairs.

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The commission will also be sending in altered voting precinct lines to the Department of Justice in hopes of pre-clearance before a state special election to be held in September. Voting centers in Henderson, Banks and Ebenezer were approved.

Also at the commission meeting, the commission voted to allow Probate Judge Wes Allen to advertise to fill an accounting position.

Commissioner Charlie Harris made a motion to not allow county workers, with the exception of law enforcement officers, to drive county vehicles home. He said he felt it would save the county money. Commissioners Robin Sullivan, Homer Wright and Ray Goodson voted against the motion. Jimmy Barron, Charlie Harris and Oren Fannin voted in favor and the motion did not pass.

The commission closed with an executive session. The next scheduled meeting for the county commission is June 25.