Kids camps abundant in Pike County

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, June 6, 2012

“I’m bored” aren’t words you should hear from kids and teens in Pike County this summer.

Troy Elementary School is hosting a Math and Science Camp next week, Art Camp at the school wraps up next Friday and there’s a Pre-K program there next week, as well.

At Pike Liberal Arts School, there’s a summer art camp from June 18-22 and New Life Christian Academy is holding an all-day summer enrichment camp this week through July 31.

If your child is interested in honing athletic skills, the Troy Parks and Recreation Department is offering swimming lessons and there are a host of athletic camps at Troy University this summer.

There are two football camps at the university on June 11-12 and June 13-14. Men’s basketball camp will be held June 15-16 and a youth camp is scheduled for June 11-14. Women’s basketball camps are June 24-26 and June 29-30 with a Little Dribblers Day Camp planned June 25-28. The soccer vamp is set from July 20-22.

There is a training camp for softball players at the University from June 25-26 and also on July 27. Pitchers and catchers camp is June 27. Volleyball players can practice their serves at on July 10-12.

For a summer of spirituality, try a Vacation Bible School.

Next week, Brundidge United Methodist Church, Collegedale Church of Christ, Haw Hall Assembly of God, Ariton Baptist Church, Bush Memorial Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, New Hope Baptist Church, Salem Baptist Church and Southside Baptist Church will all be hosting children.

On June 18-22, kids can attend VBS at Harmony Baptist Church, Henderson Baptist Church, Richland Baptist Church and Riverview Baptist Church.

First United Methodist Church and New Life Christian Church are holding VBS programs June 25-29, Bethel Missionary Baptist’s VBS is set for July 9-13 and Northside Baptist Church has their event scheduled for July 16-20. And God’s Way Baptist Church is holding a VBS session every Wednesday night through August 15.

And these are just the activities we’ve heard of. There’s no need to send children off for weeks at a time to a summer camp elsewhere when you can find the same enrichment and fun right here in Pike County.

If you have any other ideas for summer kid fun in Pike County, e-mail them to and we’ll post them online.