AG Strange gives congrats to CHHS grad

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, May 24, 2012

Attorney General Luther Strange addressed the Pike County Republican Women’s monthly meeting and discussed several issues facing the State of Alabama.

As the Attorney General of the State of Alabama, Strange deals with all legal challenges facing the state, and those in which Alabama joins other states in litigation.

Strange discussed his appearance at the Supreme Court earlier this year as Alabama joined 25 other states in the challenge to Obamacare and Alabama’s current Immigration law and those of Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina. He also discussed the status of the BP oil spill and the pending litigation against BP that holds the company responsible for the economic and environmental damage to the state and its residents.

With regards to the economy, Strange described the federal government’s EPA regulations as “job killing.” The regulations have cost the state of Alabama opportunities to attract business because of the state’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Strange explained how his office is handling litigation internally rather than contracting with outside agencies. This has resulted in significant savings at a time when the AG’s office is facing a 50 percent cut. He had significant praise for the men and women who represent the citizens through the AG’s office.

Other topics of discussion included AEA’s lawsuit, the overcrowded prison system, redistricting, alternative sentencing, and expunging records.

He also shared that looting, a reprehensible act that often occurs after a natural disaster, is now a criminal offense, and that metal theft is now a felony. There were many questions and he answered all.

One of the highlights of the meeting was recognizing one of the PCRW scholarship winners. PCRW awards two $1,000 scholarships annually to graduating seniors. Melissa Kennedy, one of the scholarship recipients was recognized at the meeting. She attended with her father, and was congratulated by Strange. Melissa is a graduate of Charles Henderson High School.

Vice President Rachel Lee announced that Fred Solomon, national coordinator for Adopt a State will be the speaker at the June meeting. All interested citizens are invited to attend.

This article was submitted by the Republican Women of Pike County.