Grants could add walking trail, playground

Published 6:28 am Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The City of Troy will be applying for two grants to help create more outdoor space for use by the public.

At Tuesday night’s city council meeting, members gave their blessings for the Parks and Recreation Department to move forward seeking funding through the Land, Water and Conservation Fund Grant and the Recreational Trails Program Grant.

The first gratn, from the Recreational Trails Program, would extend the current walking trail at the SportsPlex from 1.1 miles to 2.5 miles. The project cost is $120,000 and of that $96,000 would be provided by the Alabama Department of Environmental Conservation-funded grant.

The second grant would go toward the creation of a park and planned playground at the SportsPlex. The project cost is estimated at $200,000 and of that, the ADECA-funded grant would provide $50,000 and donations from the community would hopefully make up the remaining $150,000 needed.

“If there is one thing I’d love for the City of Troy to achieve, it is to have a new park in Troy,” said Parks and Recreation Director Dan Smith, adding that he believes the fund-raising goal is achievable as evidenced by donations made toward the Miracle Field.

Also at the council meeting: council members recognized players from the 2012 Pike Liberal Arts School State Champion baseball team; council members approved to allow the police chief to dispose of 50 unclaimed bicycles; council members approved agreements to acquire a license to use PowerSouth’s transmission line easement to install a 115 kV electric transmission line and a 12-inch sewer line; the council awarded a construction contract for the Elba Highway substation to APAC Mid-South for $68,050; the council voted to enter into an agreement with Wetland Services Inc. to monitor and provide services at the Troy Municipal Airport in compliance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit; and the council voted to appoint Mark Calk to the Airport Committee with a term that ends April 8, 2017.