Covenent Christian students rake in awards

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Covenant Christian School released its list of fourth-term honor rolls earlier this week.

In Vicki Hagler’s second-grade class Abby Porter made A’s and B’s and Elijah Gardiner made all A’s, while in Hagler’s third-grade class Tiffany Johnson and Nathanael McClure made A’s and B’s and Jacob Helms made all A’s.

In Corrie Carroll’s fourth-grade class Ruhi Patel made A’s and B’s and in Carroll’s fifth-grade class Black Jordan made A’s and B’s.

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In Abbey McClure’s sixth-grade class Sabra Daniels made A’s and B’s and Emily Blanchard made all A’s, while in McClure’s seventh-grade class Morgan Black made A’s and B’s and Ivy Kate Helms and Lauren Johnson made all A’s.

Although first-graders are not included in the overall school honor rolls, several students received awards and made the in-class honor roll.

Alaina Aldridge made the A honor roll, was the second highest in the Accelerated Reader program, had the second highest number of books read and quizzes passed on the AR program and was on the winning team for the Balloon Pop Relay in the Summer Kickoff event.

Jon-Logan Atwell was most improved in spelling and math. He also read and passed 379 books, had a reading level of 2.6 and earned149 points in the AR program.

Zachary Cox made the A and B honor roll. He also read and passed 547 books with a 2.9 reading level and earned 243.9 points in the AR program. Atwell won first place in the Summer Kickoff basketball contest.

Sarah Grace Hagler was on the A and B honor roll, tied for first in candle fund-raiser sales. She also read and passed 681 books with a 2.7 reading level in AR and was on the winning team for three Summer Kickoff relay events.

Olivia Kirkpatrick made the A honor roll, had a perfect 100 in spelling and won best penmanship. She also tied for the highest math average, won first place in the Go Green Week poster contest, was third highest in AR points and had the second highest percent correct on AR quizzes.

Carson Lewis made the A and B honor roll, tied for most improved overall and read and passed 502 books with a 2.8 reading level as part of AR.

Jacob Sikes made the A honor roll, won the American Citizenship Award, had a perfect 100 in Bible studies and spelling, tied for highest math average and was the highest overall AR reader with 925 books read and passed and a 3.3 reading level which won him the first-grade reading medal.

The first-grade class for Covenant Christian school read and passed 5,700 books in the AR program with a 90.8 percent correct average on quizzes.