Pike County could see new senator

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, May 17, 2012

There’s a good chance Pike County residents will be looking to a new senator for the next 10 years, despite any upcoming elections.

Proposals show the county remaining in House District 89, but the redistricting plan being considered during a Special Session of the Alabama Legislature could bump the Pike County Senate district from 30 to 31. And although some in the area don’t favor the shift, the current proposed plan would keep the county intact under the leadership of one senator versus a split county once considered.

“That wouldn’t have been the best route, in our opinion at least,” said Brundidge City Manager Britt Thomas. “If Pike County was served by two senators, in a political arena, you just never know how that would work.”

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Thomas said that legislators are important to any community because they are able to offer accessibility to state offices and the governor.

“If you don’t have a key to the door, so to speak, they do,” Thomas shared.

Just as in Brundidge, City of Troy officials often look to state representatives.

“We have to depend on them for a lot,” said Troy City Councilman Charlie “Sarge” Dunn

“I think it is very important that we have good representation in Montgomery and in D.C. because it trickles down.”

Pike County Attorney Allen Jones said good relationships with senators and representatives are key because they carry the interest of the people to the state level.

“A lot of legislation starts in the House of Representatives and it is critical that you have a representative who can get things done and is respected among other House members,” Jones said. “Representatives are also the ones that generally are going to lead the way for local bills that only affect their areas.”

Jones said, even if local laws aren’t in question, communities are always depending on senators and representatives.

“We are at all times relying on them to be informed and knowledgeable as to all legislation being proposed and drafted that is coming in from all directions,” Jones said. “We rely on them to know how issues may directly or indirectly impact Pike County.”

The currently proposed redistricting plan shows Pike County being grouped in the senate district with Covington, Coffee and part of Dale counties in District 31, instead of Butler and Crenshaw for the senate district. Sen. Jimmy Holley of Coffee County represents Senate District 31.

Rep. Alan Boothe would remain the Pike County representative under the current proposed redistricting plan.