TES students tell a new kind of story

Published 10:59 pm Friday, May 4, 2012

Troy Elementary School students worked to tell a new kind of story for their classmates Friday morning.

Art students, the ORFF Ensemble and fourth-grade TAG students created a collaborative tale using original art, creative writing and student-composed music and sound effects.

The “storyscape” project called “Papar’s Paradise” followed a sheet of paper as he transformed into a canvas for drawn art, origami birds and other items.

“The TAG students planted the seed,” said teacher Joanna Taylor. “They wrote a story that art students in Kindergarten through fifth grade illustrated.”

Then a select group of the fifth-grade ORFF Ensemble decided what sort of instruments to use and when to use them during the reading of the story Friday.

Hannah Huner, 10, helped write Papar’s story and said it was fun to watch other students react to the reading.

“Everybody started laughing,” Huner said. “It was neat to watch them.”

Jaylen Deveridge, 10, said the project was exciting because he and his classmates were able to be creative.

“It was interesting to think about all the different places Papar could possibly go,” Deveridge said. “We were able to decide. It was up to us.”

Taylor, Elaine Blocher and Jennifer Lindsey headed up the project.

“This was so good for the kids,” Taylor said. “It incorporated creative writing, visual arts and music. Programs like this increase thinking skills and self confidence.”

There will be a public performance of “Papar’s Paradise” on Sunday at 6 p.m. at Troy Elementary School.