Five women compete tonight for Ms. Senior Pike County title

Published 8:50 am Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pike County’s first Ms. Senior Pike County Pageant will be held at 5 p.m. tonight (Saturday) at the Claudia Crosby Theater on the campus of Troy University.

Maxine Hollis, pageant director, said the Ms. Senior Pike County Pageant is an opportunity to recognize and honor women 60 years and older who have been an inspiration to their families, friends and the community.

“There are pageants for all age other age groups and the pagent committee wanted to offer this opportunity to the senior women of Pike County,” Hollis said. “This year, we have five contestants and hopes are that the pageant will grow from year to year.”

The contestants for the 2012 Ms. Senior Pike County Pageant are Lois Robinson and Jane Thrash of Brundidge and Elizabeth Grubbs, Rosa Carroll and Juanita Green of Troy.

The categories for judging will be evening gown, interview, talent and philosophy of life.

“The winner of the pageant will respresent Pike County at the Ms. Senior Alabama pageant in Birmingham in June,” Hollis said. “Alabama is one of the few states that have local pageants. Most of the states only have state pageants. The state winners then compete in the Ms. Senior America Pageant.”

Hollis said honoring the county’s senior women with pagant will be a benefit to the county.

Tickets are $10 and will be available at the door.