Middle School students show chivalry still alive

Published 10:50 pm Friday, March 23, 2012

Young men clad in ties and button up shirts filled the halls of Charles Henderson Middle School on Friday as part of Chivalry Day.

“Guys, I cannot tell you how good you all look,” said Principal Aaron Brown to his students. “Today, chivalry is all day long.”

Brown came up with Chivalry Day as a way to help the young men at CHMS become more exposed to respectful actions and ideas.

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“At this age, young men can be a bit rough around the girls. They have a hard time expressing themselves,” Brown said.

At the beginning of the school day, the gentlemen, some even in bowties, greeted the young ladies and teachers arriving at school by opening car doors and wishing them a good morning. Later, they met in the cafeteria with Brown and a guest speaker to learn about goals.

Romaris Bowens, 15, said he was glad he decided to don a tie for the day.

“At first I thought it was going to be lame, but then I thought the ladies might like it,” Bowens said. “And they do. It makes you look good.”

Khalil Walker, 12, said that he thinks people who dress nice and have good manners are well respected in the community.

“And we aren’t just dressing up,” Walker said. “We are going to open doors for ladies and carry their stuff.”

Brown said that he hopes to continue the program with Chivalry Day becoming a monthly event.

“I am elated and beyond proud,” Brown said. “The reaction they are getting has been fantastic. I think it’s been a really positive thing and they are pleasantly surprised.”