Weather on Steroids? New site offers answers

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, February 8, 2012

While that pesky groundhog in Pennsylvania may have predicted six more weeks of winter, folks here in the South know he was wrong.

After all, we haven’t even had winter this year. It seems like we rolled right from fall to spring, and with budding plants confused by the warm January and February days and old-timers talking about the worries of more bugs and mosquitoes in the spring because of the lack of a good, solid freeze, we know better than to trust a groundhog for any kind of weather forecast.

So what’s at the root of this crazy weather?

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Well, a group of researchers trying to provide those answers has launched a new online guide – ironically titled “Weather on Steroids” – to try and provide some answers to the big question: is global warming the root cause for record highs, January tornadoes and biblical snowstorms?

The site tackles some interesting questions, such as whether or not we humans are “doping the atmosphere.” It also offers insight into how climatologists study weather patterns and make observations about changes and trends, as well as explaining what causes the increase in extreme events such as tornadoes and droughts.

The report is backed by some serious brain power, tapping scientists and experts with the National Center for Atmospheric Research among others.

It doesn’t have all the answers, because quite frankly, no one does.

But it sure offers some interesting insights and observations about our global climate change and what’s at the root of it.

So skip the groundhog and log onto “Weather on Steroids” at

You’ll be glad you did.