Oh, deer!

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A sign outside the front door of Olde Enzor Lane took a tongue-in-cheek approach to the break-in that occurred Monday night when a deer apparently broke through the glass pane on the front door and ran through the restaurant before leaving through a window in the back, by the coffee pots. Above, employees Elizabeth Blackwell and Erin Grooms helped to clean up the debris on Tuesday. (Photo/Robbyn Brooks)

Four-legged intruder tears through restaurant

A Monday night intruder destroyed several windows at Old Enzor Lane and left incriminating hoof marks behind on the hardwood floors.

Sometime after employees left Monday night and returned about 10 a.m. Tuesday, a deer lunged through the glass upper-part of the front door and exited through a side window in the back of the building, just over the coffee pots.

“He took my curtain too,” said Connie Floyd, pointing to the busted 100-year-old glass now hanging in shards on her restaurant’s front door. “We have looked all in the back for that curtain. He must be wearing it.“

Floyd said she found the animal’s hair and even a tick inside the restaurant, but no blood, so the deer must have broken through the glass using mostly his antlers.


A police officer who came out to the scene told Floyd he’d been on the job 10 years and had only seen something similar in the movies.

The officer’s best guess at what happened was that it is rutting season and the buck saw his reflection in the glass and aimed to fight with the “other” animal he saw.

Floyd and her employees just shook their heads and chuckled about the incident as they started to clean up the mess.

“What can you do?” asked Floyd’s niece, Erin Grooms, as she propped on a broom handle. “It can all be replaced. None of the antique dishes or furniture was broken.”

Floyd said she was a little heartbroken about the front door glass that was original to the Victorian-style home where her restaurant is located.

“That makes me a bit sad,” Floyd said. “It had to have been more than 100 years old. Now it’s in a million pieces and going in the trash.”

Although the restaurant was closed for clean up and repairs Tuesday, Floyd said Old Enzor Lane would hopefully re-open Wednesday.

“It’ll be back to business as usual,” Floyd smiled, “with hopefully no more unexpected visitors.”