Wild hogs topic of FSA meeting

Published 8:19 am Friday, February 3, 2012

The Bullock Forestry Planning Commission is sponsoring a Wild Hog Management meeting from 1 until 2 p.m. Saturday at the Old Union Camp Tree Nursery near Inverness.

Jeff Knotts, FSA county executive director, Pike and Bullock counties, said landowners and others interested in learning more about management, control and trapping of wild hogs are encouraged to attend.

“This is a free informational seminar and the topics of interest will be trapping techniques and designs and removal methods,” Knotts said. “There will also be information on laws and regulations and financial and technical assistance.”

Presenters will include Chris Jaworowski, wildlife biologist, Division of Wildlife and Fresh Water Fisheries and other representing agencies.

“The wild hog situation is worse in Bullock County because there are more wooded areas along the creeks,” Knotts said. “Along the creeks in the backwoods is were you’ll find a lot of wild hogs. But, that’s not to say that we don’t have a problem with wild hogs in Pike County because we do and it’s a growing problem.”

Knotts said wild hogs destroy row crops by rooting them up.

“We’ve also had reports from several people participating in the CRP that wild hogs have dug up the trees they planted,” he said. “Wild hogs will root up just about anything.”

Wild hogs are thought to have either migrated or been transported north from the Florida Everglades.

“No matter how they got here, wild hogs are here and they are getting out of control,” Knotts said. “Wild hogs can produce two or three litters a year and each litter could have from four to 10 piglets so it doesn’t take long for wild hogs to become a problem. They can attack and they can be dangerous, especially the boars with tusks.”

Wild hogs can be trapped year-round. “Over in Bullock County, 30 wild hogs were trapped in one day,” Knotts said. “After the hogs are trapped, you’ve got to do something with them. The wild hog meeting on Saturday will provide that kind of information and other information of importance.” The meeting will be held on the property of Terry Long at 684 County Road 28 near Inverness.