Get educated, get healthy during Heart Month

Published 7:12 pm Thursday, January 19, 2012

Every 34 seconds.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that’s how often someone in the United States has a heart attack.
Heart disease continues to be the No. 1 killer of both men and women and the cause of one in four deaths in the United States.
And in the time you’ve spent reading this editorial so far, someone has had another heart attack –just like that.
Come February, the American Heart Association and other health organizations will launch into the annual heart disease awareness campaign. Starting with “Wear Red Day” on Feb. 3 and culminating locally in the Heart Walk on Feb. 16, Pike County activities will include fund-raisers; a survivor’s event; and more.
All in the cause of educating all of us. Because while heart attacks remain the most deadly disease in America, we can help lower the statics. Knowing the risk factors  weight, high blood pressure, lack of excercise, Education about early warning signs of a heart attack or stroke is critical in helping minimize the damage and increase survival statistics.
The dangers of heart diesease are real. Experts estimate heart disease cost Americans $444 billion in 2011. And those costs will simply continue to increase.
So take time to get educated, to make a donation or raise money to help support the fight against heart disease and the education efforts, and get healthy.
Because every 34 seconds is far too often to face a heart attack.

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