Female Factor upcoming
Published 6:10 pm Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The next meeting of The Female Factor will be Wednesday, Dec. 14, at noon, at the Studio in Downtown Troy. The Female Factor is a health & wellness program, sponsored by the Troy Regional Medical Center and several other local businesses and groups, and meets monthly to present topics of interest to women. The topic for December’s meeting will be “Healthy, Happy Holidays.”
Sherri Daugherty, registered dietician and owner of LifeSource Consulting, a dietary consulting firm, will present the program, which will be geared toward helping women avoid gaining weight during the holidays. She will offer strategies to keep you on track, will discuss healthy alternatives and guide us through healthy ingredient substitutions for our favorite recipes. There is no cost to attend The Female Factor, and lunch is provided free of charge. Please RSVP to 670-5487 or e-mail: femalefactor@ troymedicalcenter.com.