Be smart, be safe during the holidays

Published 11:14 pm Friday, December 2, 2011

No one wants to think about crime during the holiday season. But that’s just what the Troy Police want you to keep in mind, in an effort to prevent crime.

With the advent of the holiday season, and the break in classes at Troy University, police are once again urging residents to take extra precautions and protect their property against theft.

Police have said repeatedly that college breaks often see a spike in property-related crimes: break-ins and thefts of computers and televisions from apartments; burglaries of vehicles; and more. And once again, the police have issued a series of tips and suggestions:

• Close and lock all windows, close all shades, drapes and blinds

• Close and lock all entrance doors to your suite or apartment as well as your room

• Take valuables (jewelry, money, laptops, etc.) home with you for safe keeping

• Avoid leaving valuables (televisions, video games, etc) in the common areas

• Take this property with you if possible

• Your voice mail should never indicate that you are not at home

• If you leave your car on campus roll up the windows and lock the doors

• Park in a well-lit location

• Remove any valuables from your car

• If you leave your bicycle on campus/apartment, make sure it is secure.

The point is simple: lock up, keep valuables out of sight, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Perhaps the simplest measure of common-sense safety is this:

Ask yourself this question: If you’re locked out of your home, can you still get in? If you can – so can a burglar.

So be safe and be happy.