Holiday spirit abounds at open houses

Published 9:08 am Saturday, November 19, 2011

The halls are decked, the decorations hung and the sales are ready to begin.

This weekend marks the annual holiday open house shopping event in Troy.

“This weekend starts the beginning of one of the largest shopping times across the United States,” said Kathy Sauer, president of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce. “As Pike County residents begin to fill their holiday lists, we would like to invite and encourage our friends and neighbors to visit the numerous business that are having Open Houses.”

As part of the event, many local businesses will have extended hours throughout the weekend with special sales and small receptions. “Specifically, the Downtown Square merchants in Troy will have an open house this Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. with entertainment at the Gazebo beginning at 2 p.m.”

The holiday activities will abound, with Santa Claus scheduled to be at Glow on the Square from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Other downtown merchants celebrating the open house shopping weekend include Douglas Bros., TMarie, Paisley Janes, Pink Parlor, First Impression and the Home Gallery Stores, Troy Antiques and Family Ties. Other business, such as Terra Cotta, will hold special holiday events on Black Friday.

The weekend shopping event has long been a tradition in Pike County. “I was pleased to learn about it,” said Sauer, adding that celebrating the season with hometown merchants is both fun and beneficial.

“Local businesses are people who live in our community, employ locally, give us our distinctive character and can still provide that special attention and those one-of-a-kind purchases,” Sauer said. “Everyone shopping in Pike County is actually making an investment in our county and in our future …

“The money kept in our community helps provide local jobs, recirculates to help our schools and non-profits, and provides for our basic services through the taxes collected.”