Pike BOE extends superintendent’s contract

Published 6:24 am Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Pike County Board of Education approved the five-year contract for Superintendent Dr. Mark Bazzell at $122,490 a year at its Monday meeting.

Linda Steed, board president, said Bazzell’s contract did not include a raise in salary.

“The superintendent has not received a raise since 2007,” Steed said. “The only increases were in a performance incentive from $750 for each school that makes AYP to $1,000 and in the life insurance policy from $800 to $1,000.”

Steed said the five-year contract was set at a previous meeting.

The board worked from a short agenda Monday night that dealt primarily with personnel requests.

The board approved the retirements of Sara McGinty and Pam Kreis from Goshen High School and JoAnne Kilpatrick from Pike County High School, all effective Dec. 1, 2011.

The board then approved the employment of Sara McGinty, Pam Kreis and JoAnne Kilpatrick effective, Jan. 2, 2012.

The board also approved the employment of Carrie Cawley as math teacher at Goshen High School and the voluntary transfer of Doug Branson from math teacher at Pike County High School to graduation coach at PCHS, both effective Jan. 2, 2012.

Kathy Smith and Michael Wilson were approved as full time bus drivers.

The board approved Frank Martin’s request for catastrophic leave and Darrell Battles’ request for family medical leave.

In other business, the board approved a request from Jimmy Oliver and Daniel Walden to attend the 2012 Alabama Music Educators Conference in Montgomery January 19-21. Expenses will be paid by Title I funds.

The board also approved the burning of about 10+/- acres of pasture and some piles of debris at Goshen High School by the Alabama Forestry Commission. The board gave its nod to Pike County Superintendent Dr. Mark Bazzell’s request to move forward with capital projects and bon restructuring as discussed in the board meeting on Oct. 24, 2011.

Earnest Green was elected president of the board and Herbert Reynolds was elected vice president. They will assume the positions at the board’s December meeting.