‘Every chair filled’ at Concerned Citizens revival

Published 9:16 am Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Old Fashioned Tent Revival sponsored by the Concerned Christians of Brundidge (C.C.O.B.) got off to encouraging start Tuesday night at Galloway Park.

Willie Moultry, C.C.O.B. acting president, said, for the inclement weather conditions, the crowd was “perfect.”

“Every chair was filled,” Moultry said.

The Old Fashioned Tent Revival will close tonight so that the C.C.O.B. can get things ready for the 12th Annual March for Jesus on Saturday.

“The purpose of the C.C.O.B. is to take Jesus outside the four walls of the church to those who may not be hearing the Gospel,” Moultry said. “One way that we do that is our annual March for Jesus.”

The March for Jesus is set for 10 a.m. Saturday and will begin at New Jerusalem Church on Galloway Road.

“Those who don’t know where the church is can meet at Galloway Park at 9:30 and we will go to the church from there,” Moultry said.

A cross-bearer will lead the March for Jesus, which will follow a downtown route to Pike County High School.

“We will have a lead truck with music and behind it will be the different churches and individuals,” Moultry said. “We have asked the churches to walk together and sing praises as we give God the glory.”

Those who cannot walk the March route may ride in vehicles but those who can walk are encouraged to do so.

“When the March for Jesus arrives at Pike County High School, we will have a prayer service and then dismiss for everyone to go back to Galloway Park for the fun festival,” Moultry said. “The fun festival is an opportunity for churches, businesses and individuals to give back to the community. Everything will be free – the food, games and entertainment. Of course, we’ll have preaching because getting the Word out is the purpose of the March for Jesus.”

There will be activates for young people including an inflatable castle for the kids, basketball, badminton and tennis for the young people and Bingo for the adults.

“The entertainment will be by various church choirs,” Moultry said. “We invite all church choirs to come and sing praises to our Lord.”

Bishop Samuel Valentine of Bethesda Restoration Outreach Worship Center in Brundidge will deliver the March for Jesus day message.

The March for Jesus fun festival will end around 4 p.m.

“Everyone is invited to participate in the March for Jesus,” Moultry said. “Everyone is welcome as we come together as Christians.”