5K run invites racers to ‘fight like a girl’

Published 10:58 pm Monday, October 10, 2011

Once again, it’s time to “Fight Like a Girl” and SARHA is answering the bell.

SARHA has come on board as the sponsor of the 3rd Annual Fight Like a Girl 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk, which is a 2012 Pike County Relay for Life fundraising event.

“By sponsoring the Fight Like a Girl event, we are kicking off our 2012 Relay for Life fundraising campaign early,” said Britt Dickey, SARHA Relay for Life team captain.

“We usually don’t start our fundraising efforts until after the New Year but this is a new and exciting opportunity for us and we’re looking forward to it.”

The 3rd Annual Fight Like a Girl 5K Run and Walk is set for Nov. 5 and will begin and end at SARHA on the Elba Highway in Troy.

The 3.1-mile 5K Run and the one-mile walk will be in the vicinity of the Troy Sportsplex. Both courses will be relatively flat, making them opportunities for good clock times and great fun times.

The pre-registration fees are $25 for the 5K and $15 for the run/walk.

The cutoff for pre-registration is October 28. After the deadline, the entry fees will increase by five dollars to $30 for the 5K and $20 for the run/walk.

“Everyone who pre-registers will be guaranteed a T-shirt,” Dickey said.

“Then, we’ll give out T-shirts as long as they last.”

Runners will be divided according to age. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place finishers in the male and female divisions.

Runners and walkers may register on line at active.com or by calling 334-670-6726 ext. 165.

“All proceeds for the Fight Like a Girl 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk will go to the Pike County Relay for Life campaign in support of the American Cancer Society,” Dickey said. “We invite all runners and walkers to join us for this special event.”