Senior artists’ work on display

Published 8:25 am Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Colley Senior Complex will host a reception for the artists who are participating in the Art Guild Fall Art Show from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Phoebe Porter, a class instructor at the Complex, said the fall art show showcases the artwork of budding artists who had never painted before and those who are rather accomplished artists.

Porter and Mary Page, who is the artist-in-residence at the Complex, recently taught classes and their students’ artwork will be among the featured pieces.

“Mary and I are very different as artists,” Porter said. “In fact, we are opposites. Mary’s work is realistic and detailed. Mine is impressionistic and kind of all over the place.”

Porter, laughingly, said that Page paints with a small brush and she paints with “a big, big brush.”

The instructors’ influences can be seen in the artwork of their students so there is great variety in the show.

“Mary and I are pleased with what our students have done,” Porter said. “They have done nice work and can be proud of what they have done.”

The works of about 25 artists will be on exhibit at the reception on Sunday.

Janet Motes, Complex director, said the Art Guild Fall Art Show will include all forms of media offered at the Complex.

“At the Colley Senior Complex, we offer oil, acrylic and watercolor painting, pottery, ceramics, stained glass, quilting and other needlework,” she said. “And it will all be on display on Sunday and then throughout the month.”

The Art Guild Fall Art Show is an opportunity for students to showcase their artwork and for the people of the community to see what their friends and neighbors are creating.

“The show is also a way to encourage others to join the art programs at the Colley Senior Complex,” Porter said. “You will be surprised how enjoyable and relaxing artwork can be. Art is a wonderful way to express yourself. There’s not a right way or a wrong way so anyone can enjoy art and be successful at it.”

All of the art programs at the Colley Senior Complex are ongoing so those who want to join a class may “jump in” at any time.

“The only class that it would hard to begin at any time would be the pottery class,” Motes said. “A new class begins every six weeks. But in all of the other classes, the instructors will be able to catch a new student up rather quickly.”

For more information about the art programs at the Colley Senior Complex, call 334-808-8500.