Senior expo this week

Published 11:00 pm Friday, September 2, 2011

The Colley Senior Complex will host a Health and Wellness Expo from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Colley Senior Complex, 715 East Elm Street in Troy.

The Health and Wellness Expo is free and lunch will be served. All seniors are invited and encouraged to come.

The Senior Health Fair is an event that is held each September in recognition of Senior Center Month.

“The Senior Health Fair is the most requested event that we have,” said Janet Motes, Complex director. “Last year, we had about 250 participants and we expect even more this year because we are going to offer ‘everything’ that can be offered at a health fair.”

The Senior Health Fair will feature 27 vendors and participants have the option of several free screenings, including vision and hearing, glucose, total cholesterol, stroke assessment, and bone density.

“The Colley Senior Complex Health and Wellness Expo is an opportunity to learn about health programs and resources in our community that can help improve the health and quality of life,” Motes said.

“We are offering two workshops that are of great interest and value to seniors. The workshops are at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and they are optional. You can attend one or both or neither. It just depends on what your interests are.”

The educational program at 11 a.m. is Alzheimer’s and Dementia presented by Mary Wedgeworth, Alabama Cares Program coordinator.

The Pike County Sheriff’s Department will also so have Lifesaver registration at 11 a.m.

At 1 p.m. the workshop will be Home Safety and Fall Prevention, presented by Karen Crawford SCADC Area Agency on Aging.

“We always have a great response for programs on Alzheimer’s and dementia because there is a continuing increase in both,” Motes said. “And, the onsets are occurring much earlier. So, it’s important to know the early signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

“We’ll also have information for caregivers of those with these diseases. Each workshop participant will receive a gift that will be a way to exercise the brain.”

Motes said the home is where most falls involving seniors occur.

“The Home Safety and Fall Prevention workshop will focus on hazards in the home and how to eliminate them,” she said. “This will be a very worthwhile workshop.

“We’ll also send the participants home with a safety kit that will include a night light, a non-slip bath rug, stickers for the bathtub that will help prevent slipping and tape to put under rugs to keep them from slipping.”

Motes said, in addition to being an educational event, the Colley Senior Complex Health and Wellness Expo will be a lot of fun for all.

To confirm attendance, call 808-8500 or email