PCHS boosters to hold reception

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Pike County High School Booster Club will host a reception for sponsors of the school’s athletic programs and also sponsor a fun zone for the youngsters prior to the Bulldogs’ home opener against the Slocomb Redtops tonight at Bulldog Stadium.

The events and activities will get underway at 6 p.m. The game kicks off at 7 p.m.

Deborah Nickson, booster club member, said a hospitality room will be set up in the former locker room inside the stadium in appreciation for the community’s support.

Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage will welcome the gathering and former Bulldog gridiron star Cornelius Griffin will be in attendance along with local dignitaries and members of the business community.

Complimentary copies of the Bulldog football program and sports fan items will be available for pickup by sponsors of Bulldog athletics.

There will also be a reserved section in the grandstands for sponsors.

Cindy Anderson, booster member, said the Booster Club is providing free game passes to all students at Banks and Pike County elementary schools.

“The boosters are sponsoring a fun zone for the kids with three inflatable toys for the elementary students to enjoy,” Anderson said. “We’ll have the Milky Moo cow and our own Bulldog mascot roaming the grounds and having their pictures taken with the children.”

At halftime of the Pike County-Slocomb game, there will be a drawing for a kid’s prize package.

“The Booster Club is also establishing a fan shop near the scoreboard with an array of spirit items to purchase,” Anderson said. “We will be selling t-shirts, polo shirts, foam hands, noisemakers, caps, pom-poms and tattoos, to name a few.”

To encourage more fans to come out for home games, the Booster Club is offering a family pass for $125.

“The pass entitles two adults and two children to attend all regular season games for all sports for the entire school year,” Anderson said. “We hope such a savings will increase fan participation for all our teams.”