Pike BOE considers outsourcing

Published 2:13 pm Monday, July 25, 2011

The Pike County Board of Education discussed a penny-pinching measure involving custodial services for the county schools at its Monday meeting.

Pike County Superintendent Dr. Mark Bazzell informally discussed the possibility of outsourcing a part of the school systems custodial services.

The outsourced services would include daily services, Christmas and summer cleanings, managers for employees, all supplies and equipment necessary and day quarters.

Bazzell said the school system currently spends about $483,586 for custodial services and outsourcing its custodial services has been estimated at around $357,000. However, that is just a ballpark figure and the services would have to be bid.

Bazzell said the school system’s custodial staff is a good one and he doesn’t want to lose them.

The information regarding custodial outsourcing was just for communication and no action was taken.

Bazzell also presented a letter from Pike County Commission Chair Homer Wright asking that the school board to remove any records stored in the vault at the Rock Building.

“It is my understanding that the county commission wants to have a meeting at the Rock Building and they are making preparations,” Bazzell said. “I would like for us to contact the local historical society to see if they are interested in any of those records. They are 75 to 80 years old. We don’t get any requests for those academic records. The requests are mainly for historical research and for names for class reunions. The bid and payroll records could be disposed of but we need to keep the other records. I would like to see if the historical society would like to take possession of them. If not, we need to keep them.”

Bazzell reminded the board members of the meeting today at 5 p.m. with the Pike County Commissioners to discuss redistricting.

The board adopted the faculty and staff dress code, Policy 6.16.3 and awarded its printing bid to Ideal Graphics. In personnel action, the board:

• Approved the reemployment of Henry Everett for the position of contracted music aide at Banks School for 2011-12.

• Approved the employment of Heather Powell as science teacher at PCHS.

• Approved the employment of Shondra Whitaker as assistant principal at PCHS.

• Approved the employment of Elizabeth Hicks as special education teacher at PCHS.

• Approved the voluntary transfer of Cathy Childs, Brianne Dollar and Kristina Anderson as per Mrs. Grant’s recommendation.

• Approved spring football supplement for Richard Anderson at PCHS.

• Approved the employment of Marisara Graham for the position of science teacher at PCHS.

• Approved the employment of Katie Elizabeth Kelly for employment as first grade teacher at PCES.

• Approved student transfer for Mardee Holmes to Goshen High School.