Learn all the Extension office can do for you

Published 11:00 pm Friday, July 15, 2011

Have you ever wondered what Extension and your county Extension office can do for you? Whether it is identifying a problem you are having with your tomato plants, hosting a class focusing on how to effectively use your coupons, or conducting a financial management workshop, your Extension office is

here to help. Through Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities, our research-based educational efforts help homeowners, communities, cities, businesses, agricultural producers, and youth increase their economic well-being and improve their lives. Extension is working for – and with – the citizens of your community.

So how is Extension working in your community? Extension provides economic development education and training. We conduct leadership training for current and future community leaders. Our network of educators connects local, state and federal agencies, schools, community groups, labor, employers, and other in efforts to strengthen workforce development. We also offer programming in the areas of technology, career training, resume writing and interview skills, and entrepreneurship.

Extension and health and wellness go hand in hand. We work to improve the quality of life of

Alabamians. Programs include good nutrition, efforts to screen for prostate cancer, reverse childhood obesity, ensuring a safe and sustainable food supply, and home-grown gardening workshops. Pike County also has a very strong Master Gardner program.

Your Extension office is heavily involved with today’s youth. Our main outreach programming includes 4-H and PROSPER (Promoting School-Community-University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience). Pike County has one of the strongest 4-H programs in the state with many youth actively involved. 4-H offers

youth ages nine to 19 educational programming and opportunities to develop skills vital to their futures.

The main goal of PROSPER is to strengthen families and reduce risky teen behavior such as the use of drugs and alcohol.

If you are having trouble with row crops or would like to know what kind of grass you have in your yard, we can help. Are you interested in the Master Gardner program or volunteering with 4-H? We can help. Would you like a publication on how to grow a certain vegetable or control a weed? We can help.

Have an interest in forming a community group or want to be involved with the county Extension office Advisory Committee? Contact us! Our door is open and we would love for you to stop by and visit us.

We will be happy to assist you in any way possible.

Our main Extension website, www.aces.edu, has just been redesigned and you can find our county page with one click. You can also visit our Facebook page, simply search “Pike County Extension Office.”

There we will keep you updated with the latest Extension information and videos. Our office phone is 334-566-0985.

We look forward to working with you and helping make Pike County a better place to live and work.

Grant Lyons is the Pike County Extension Agent.