Clay Hill Farms open for kids to fish

Published 11:00 pm Friday, June 10, 2011

Clay Hill Farms will host Pike County Kids’ Fishing Day on Saturday, June 18, and all kids ages five to 12 are invited to a free day of fishing and fun.

“Pike County Kids Fishing Day is an educational fishing experience for children,” said Blake Nowling, Pike County conservation officer. “The pond at Clay Hill is stocked with catfish and the fishing will be good.”

Nowling said the free fishing day for kids is an opportunity for kids who have never fished before to have a successful first fishing experience. For the more experienced young fishermen, it’s a chance to add to their fish tales.

“No matter whether a kid has fished before or not, chances are he or she will take home a stringer of fish,” Nowling said.

Any child, ages five to 12, may participate in the Pike County Kids’ Fishing Day if accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult family member.

Registration begins at 7 a.m. at Clay Hill Farms and fishing starts at 8 a.m.

“It’s going to be hot on Saturday so dress appropriately,” Nowling said. “Bring a hat, sunglasses, bait, a rod and reel and a chest of ice for the fish.”

Different fishermen have different ideas as to the best bait to attract catfish. The most popular is chicken liver and the commercial bait, Catfish Charlie, is also good bait. Nowling said those who are willing to pay more for bait, might want to try shrimp.

“Fishing will end around 11 o’clock and then we’ll have hotdogs and soft drinks before we draw for door prizes,” Nowling said. “We’ll have a lot of really good door prizes so we encourage everyone to stay around for the drawings.”

Pike County Kids’ Fishing Day is sponsored by Wal-Mart and the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division. The event is partially funded by the Federal Sport Fish Restoration Program.