Zingara finale tonight at Studio

Published 8:36 pm Wednesday, June 1, 2011

For many, the first Thursday night of the month has become the favorite Thursday night of the month because it’s First Thursday Night at the Studio.

And, everyone who enjoys a Thursday night out on the town is reminded that tonight’s the night.

Wiley White, development director of the Johnson Center for the Arts, said this is an extra special First Thursday Night at the Studio because it will be Dr. Jim Zingara’s last Thursday night performance at The Studio before he leaves town for new opportunities.

It was Zingara who initiated the Thursday night events at The Studio and has been so diligent in bringing them to life.

“Jim has done a tremendous job in organizing and carrying out the Thursday Night at the Studio events,” White said. “We appreciate all of his efforts and appreciate his talent. He will be greatly missed.”

Zingara and the Troy Brass will be the opening “act” at tonight’s event. Special guests will be Dan Fraley and Friends and Shelia Jackson and Friends. Mike Amos will be the emcee.

“The Thursday Night at the Studio events are indoor tailgate parties and they have been very popular,” White said. “Many nights we pack the place and we hope to have a huge crowd tonight.”

Everyone is invited to bring a picnic or sack supper and beverages and enjoy the music, fun and fellowship.

Admission is $25 per couple or $12.50 individuals. Tables for eight are $100. To reserve a table for tonight, call 670-2287.

“We encourage those who reserve tables to decorate their tables and make this a festive event,” White said. “More people are doing that and it’s a lot of fun to see what they do.”

The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the music begins at 6 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to come and eat, drink and be merry.

First Thursday Night in the Studio is a fundraiser for the Johnson Center for the Arts.

The Studio is located at 301 East Walnut Street in downtown Troy.