FUMC choir presents Holy Week drama tonight
Published 10:21 am Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Adult Chancel Choir will present “For Such A One As This” on Thursday
evening, April 21, at 6:00pm in the FUMC Sanctuary. This dramatic presentation
for Holy Week will showcase members of the FUMC congregation, including
and children. A unique retelling of the life and death of Jesus Christ, this
musical will touch all who attend. Come hear the story of Jesus from the
perspective of Judas, Peter, Pontias Pilate, Simon of Cyrene, the mother Mary, the
two theives and Mary Magdalene. Scott McNaughton, Jack Boswell, Jeff Spurlock,
Luke Hendron, Sandra Nasca, Clifton Lusk, and Grace McNaughton will be
protraying these characters. Instrumental accompaniment will be provided by
the following members of the Troy University Symphony Band: Allison Conlan,
Ashley Green, Jamie Deford, Philip Peters, William Mixon, Ashlee Robinson,
Bobby Williams, Shannon Warren, Russell Greene, Sean Miller, and Lydia
Mitrevski. Communion will also be observed. To hear of Christ’s resurrection,
please join us Easter Sunday morning, April 24 at 11:00am.