City BOE appoints Helms to handle duties

Published 9:57 pm Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When Troy City Schools Superintendent Dr. Linda Felton-Smith steps aside today, David Helms will take her place, at least temporarily.

The Troy City Board of Education approved the appointment of Helms during a special meeting on Tuesday. Helms, currently the director of instructional support and opoerations. will also assume the duties of acting superintendent until an interim superintedent can be hired on March 16.

Roxie Kitchens, board president, said the interim position is necessary to facilitate a smooth transition.

Kitchens said Helms’ duties would include signing off on purchase orders, approving leaves of absence, handling payroll checks, paying bills that need to be paid and, if in the event a weather day needed to be called, then Helms could do that as well.

“This job will be in addition to his duties, so Mr. Helms will definitely have his plate full,” Kitchens said. “But, it is only for a two-week period, so it really isn’t a whole lot of time. We just had to make the decision an official BOE action.”

Kitchens said the board hopes to have an interim candidate hired on March 16 to oversee the district until a permanent replacement for Felton-Smith can be hired.

“We looking at the applications as they are coming in and we have received some applications already and aren’t waiting until the last day to make a decision,” Kitchens said. “We’re considering each applicant as they apply. We’ve got some good possibilities.”

Helms said he understands the necessity of stepping in and is happy to take on the two-week task.

“The timing of it warrants someone to carry on the business at the Central Office level,” Helms said. “I’m glad to step in as superintendent,” Helms said. “We will continue with the goals and objectives we’ve had all year and we will continue to make progress. This just gives us the ability to continue on with the necessary things we’ve got to take care of, which are the day-to-day operations of the school system.”