More ‘canvas for a cure’ events upcoming

Published 8:51 pm Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Piggly Wiggly 231 Relay for Life team has found a new and funky way to raise funds for the 2011 Pike County Relay for Life campaign.

The Piggly Wiggly 231 team is one of the new teams to join the Pike County Relay for Life campaign this year and Jennifer Carnley Garrett, team captain, said the team is anxious to get off to a fast start.

“We’re going to start by ‘Painting for a Cure’ at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 26, in the Troy Parks and Recreation party room,’” Garrett said. “This is a new idea and one that we hope will generate a lot of interest and also encourage other teams to find new and fun ways to join in the fight against cancer.”

“Painting for a Cure” is exactly what the name implies. It’s an opportunity for people to come together for a painting/fundraising experience.

“A Troy University art education instructor will actually teach a class on how to paint a funky tree,” Garrett said. “The design is simple and colorful and it will be fun to paint for people of all ages. You don’t have to be an artist to participate. You don’t even have to know how to hold a brush. Everybody that comes will have their own artwork – a 16×20 painting – to take home and enjoy or to give to someone special.”

Garrett said she borrowed the idea of “Painting for a Cure” from a Troy University Relay team.

“They’ve had one ‘Painting for a Cure’ event and the response to it was huge and they are planning another soon,” Garrett said. “We hope that we are just as successful.”

The class fee is $25. To register, call 770-7444 or stop by the office at Piggly Wiggly 231.

“I don’t know of anyone who has not been affected in some way by this devastating disease,” Garrett said. “We encourage everyone to join the fight against cancer by participating in the 2011 Pike County Relay for Life fundraising activities and events.”