Ag Academy students learn to serve
Published 6:06 pm Thursday, December 16, 2010
Students in the Agriscience and Technical Career Academy at Goshen High School are learning that being a good community servant is a necessary complement to what is learned between the covers of a book.
For three years, the students in the Ag Academy have participated in project designed to make the holiday season special for the elderly and disabled in their community.
“When the requirements for graduation from the Ag Academy were being established, we all thought that, since the students who enroll in the academy are among the elite students, they should be community service oriented as well as academically focused,” said Kelly Pritchett, agriscience instructor. “Each student who graduates from the Ag Academy is required to log at least 50 hours of community service over two years of the program.”
For three years now, the students in the Ag Academy have assembled and distributed fruit baskets to the elderly and disabled members of the community.
“This year the fruit was donated by the Goshen Lions Club and Sally Thomas was the project leader,” Pritchett said. “We really appreciate their involvement and support.”
The students in the Ag Academy wanted to do more for their community this year so they became involved in the U.S. Marine Reserve’s Toys for Tots program that provides new toys for disadvantaged children.
On their own, the students in the Ag Academy decided to participate in Toys for Tots. “Instead of swapping gifts, they decided to purchase toys the Toys for Tots program,” Pritchett. “They have enjoyed helping make Christmas special for people of all ages and they have found it very rewarding so probably both of these projects will be something the students want to continue on an annual basis.”