Pet calendars on sale now

Published 7:52 pm Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Humane Society of Pike County’s 2011 Pet Photo calendars have arrived and already animal lovers are stocking up for the holidays.

The calendars are $10 each and will be available during Troy’s Holiday Open House this weekend at Troy Antiques on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday afternoon.

Hattie and Earnie, the twin cats of Eloise Murphree of Troy, are featured on the cover. Pets of the month are featured inside along with pets of the week and honorable mentions.

“All of the entries in the 2011 Pet Photo Contest are pictured on the calendar and it is a beautiful calendar of cold noses and warm hearts,” said Janice Brock, humane society member.”

The cover kittens were rescued from a litter of strays by Murphree. But, at first, she had hesitated to even consider replacing her cat of seven years.

“I said that if I got another cat I wanted a female and I wanted a kitten the color of one I had never had – white,” Murphree said. “When I saw the litter, there were two white kittens, one male and one female. I thought it was meant to be.”

The kittens were the kind of cats raised by Ernest Hemmingway. Murphree named the male cat Earnie after the writer and the female Hattie because she has a gray spot on her head that looks like a hat.”

“I would like to thank everyone for all the votes that put Hattie and Earnie on the cover,” Murphree said.

The 2011 Pet Photo Calendars will also be available at local businesses throughout the county.

In Troy, the calendars will be at Sisters Restaurant, Troy Animal Clinic, Family Ties, Region’s Bank, Troy Bank & Trust, Terra Cotta, Jinright Antiques, Jean’s Flowers, Sanbuck, Inc. Synco Drugs, Beckett Insurance, Byrd’s Drugs, Guynn’s Tax Service, Griffin-Wilkes Insurance, Little Framery and Haisten Shipman and Wiggins, CPAs.

Brundidge business participating, Grafton’s Furniture, First National Bank, Jones Animal Clinic, Hawkins Drugs and Price Pharmacy. The calendars are also available at Goshen Farmers Co-op.

The funds raised by the Pet Photo Contest will be used to help fund the Humane Society of Alabama’s annual spay and neuter program. The success of 2010 Pet Photo Contest made is possible for the humane society to offer two spay and neuter programs in 2010 and nearly 600 procedures were performed.