Farm City honors community

Published 2:53 pm Friday, November 12, 2010

Farm City week came to a close Thursday evening as the annual Farm City Banquet was held to recognize students and upstanding Pike County residents that maintain the importance of agriculture.  The Agriculture committee of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and The Kiwanis Club of Troy sponsored Farm City Week.

Several of importance we’re present including probate judge Wes Allen who participated in the swap from city job to farm job. Allen switched with farmer Joe Murphy he said that it was a great opportunity and truly interesting to see the trade secrets that go into poultry and cattle farming.

Tammy Powell presented the Farm City poster and essay winners. “There were nearly 100 posters entered this year. Much thanks goes to the principals, teachers, and parents who encouraged their children to work on a poster about Agriculture – A growing story,” Powell said. Third place winners received a check for 20 dollars in this category the winners were; Courtney Cox, third grader at Covenant Christian School, and to Everlena Staggs, a sixth grader at Charles Henderson Middle School. Cox’s teacher is Mrs. Vicki Hagler and her parents are Stephen and Jennifer Cox. Everlena’s parents are Eddie and Shannon Staggs and her teacher is Mrs. Ashley Johnson. Both teachers also received a check to assist with classroom activities.

Second place winners were Anna Rose a second grader at Banks Primary School in Mrs. Mary DuBose’s classroom and Lindsey Fox a sixth grader at Charles Henderson Middle School in Mrs. Ashley Johnson classroom. Rose’s parents are Jeremy and Shaniece Price and Fox’s parents are Gary and Sheree Fox Her. Both winners and teachers will receive a twenty-five dollar gift card.

First place winners were Ivy Kate Helms, sixth grade and Jacob Helms, second grade at Covenant Christian School. Ivy Helms is in Mrs. Emily Herbert’s classroom and Jacob Helms is in Mrs. Vickie Hagler’s classroom. Their parents are Jimmy and Kathy Helms. Both winners and their teachers receive a check of fifty dollars.

Essay contest winners were as followed: Third place winners Charlie Tisdale, sixth grader at Charles Henderson Middle School and Courtney Jones, senior at Goshen High School. Second place winners are Ryan Helms, ninth grader at Charles Henderson High School and Clay Powell, senior at Goshen High School. First place winners were Key’ousha Foster student at Charles Henderson High School and Jordan Grieff senior at Goshen High School. First place winners were presented with a fifty-dollar savings bond from Troy Bank and Trust representative Mark Jordan.

The Female and Male youth award went to Kate Johnson a senior at Charles Henderson High School and Clay Powell also a senior at Goshen High School. Tammy Powell presented both awards.

The young farmer award recipient was Josh Barbaree a fourth generation farmer. Joe Murphy presented the award to him.

Poultry Award recipient for this year was Adam and Lauren Kilcrease. The Kilcrease’s poultry farm is located in the Needmore Community. Jeff Amlong presented the award to the Kilcrease’s.

Beef Producer Award recipient this year was Steve and Sheri Ellis. All calves produced on his farm qualify for the certified Black Angus program. Chris Chandler presented the award to the Ellis’s.