Voter turnout a sign of active democracy

Published 9:47 pm Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voters came to the polls Tuesday in abundance.

Secretary of State Beth Champman said voter turnout was higher across the state than normal during a midterm election, and results in Pike County echoed that trend, with nearly 55 percent of registered voters coming to the polls.

Of course, that followed the national trend, where voters put their frustrations into action at the polls, voting for a sea change in Washington leadership in hopes that fresh ideas, fresh faces could bring about the much-needed change so desperately needed.

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It’s about time.

For too many years, Americans have been apathetic toward politics, on a local and national level. And even now, we herald this “strong” voter turnout, even though less than 75 percent of the registered voters in our country took time to lend their voice to the democratic process on Tuesday.

Ultimately, if we are to change the course of America, we must do so united and with the many voices of its people. As citizens, we must become involved in our government – that same government that was created by the people, for the people and, ideally, of the people. Our government is here to serve us, to work for us and to guide us. But we must be active participants in order for it to serve us well.

We’re pleased to see an increase in voter interest in these midterm elections. Even with all the mudslinging and hard-fought battles, and even with the political agendas put forth by both Republicans and Democrats, the election process is at its heart the core of our democracy.

We must continue to insist that the men and women who choose to join that process are worthy of our vote and of our confidence and trust.

And we must prove ourselves worthy of preserving our democracy by protecting it, through our votes and our active participation in it.