Mitchell offers strong leadership for all our district

Published 9:53 pm Thursday, October 28, 2010

I am writing as a resident of Pike County and a friend and constituent of our current state senator, Wendell Mitchell. I have been a teacher, a principal, and finished my career as superintendent of the Troy City Schools; I have been actively involved in many community organizations such as Dixie Baseball, Relay for Life, Troy Arts Council, Troy City Schools Education Foundation, Pike County Chamber of Commerce, Troy Industrial Development Board, Troy Rotary Club, and Troy Kiwanis Club; and my church, Park Memorial United Methodist. I have been actively involved as a parent and a citizen in many worthwhile endeavors over the past 40 years!

What I would like to communciate, is that every citizen that is able to vote should be thankful of that right and then they should go to the polls on Tuesday, November 2nd, and cast their vote!

I would respectfully recommend to you that Senator Wendell Mitchell has been a strong friend to Pike County and is deserving of our vote to return to Montgomery as our state senator. Senator Mitchell has assisted the people of Pike County by helping to deliver more school projects and community programs to our district than any legislator in history. He has listened to our needs and helped to communicate those needs to state offficials. We need strong leadership representing all of the people in our district, not just a select few! Senator Mitchell offers that strong leadership and commitment to our district and especially to Pike County!

Thank you for your consideration.

Hank Jones

Troy, Alabama