Davenport: Suspect confesses to second burglary

Published 8:17 pm Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A man charged with one burglary in Brundidge Monday confessed to another burglary, in the same home – one that had never reported to police.

According to information from Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport, Jessie D. Mehaffey, 21, was arrested Monday in connection with a burglary in an apartment complex on S.A. Graham Boulevard.

After talking to an invesigator, Mehaffey confessed not only to a burglary from Saturday, in which he took an Xbox, but also to a burglary at the same home on Oct. 2, when he stole an undisclosed amount of meat.

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The victim said she didn’t report the first crime because she believed the meat couldn’t be recovered, Davenport said.

According to the confession, Mehaffey broke into the victim’s apartment on Saturday and took the Xbox.

On Monday, the victim’s son visited Mehaffey at his apartment. The son noticed that Mehaffey had an Xbox that looked identical to the one stolen from his mother’s apartment.

He checked the serial number and saw that part of it was scratched off, Davenport said. When he went to check the serial number from his mother’s receipt, Mehaffey put the Xbox into a backpack and left.

The son caught him outside and the two got into a fight on the lawn. Mehaffey’s family then the called the police, Davenport said. Police found the Xbox, ran the serial number, and arrested Mehaffey.

After questioning, Mehaffey confessed to stealing the Xbox. When the investigator asked him how he broke into the house, Mehaffey replied that he broke in the same way he had before.

When the investigator asked him what he meant by “before,” Mehaffey then confessed to stealing the meat.

The police didn’t know until then that the apartment had been burgled more than once, Davenport said.

Mehaffey was being held in the Pike County Jail on two $2,500 bond.

Two other misdemeanor warrants had been served, including one for failure to appear and one for failure to pay, Davenport said.