Dems use scare tactics in campaigns

Published 9:16 pm Friday, October 22, 2010

For weeks I have seen the Democratic Party run ads against Republican Martha Roby in their effort to help Bobby Bright get re-elected. Not only are the accusations against Roby a misrepresentation of her positions, but they are the same old scare tactics the Democratic party has used for years in an effort to manipulate voters.

Are the Democrats so desperate to keep control of Congress, via Bobby Bright’s seat, that they resort to scaring voters? The idea that if Republicans are in control of Congress, they will cut Social Security and Medicare for senior citizens is false and typical of party politics that Bobby Bright claims he does not like. What is ironic is that the Democrats are the ones that aggressively pushed through the Obama health care bill that cuts 500 million from Medicare.

Now the Democrats are running a full scale attack on Martha Roby specific to the U.S. Department of Education. Roby has stated that education decisions should be made by local officials instead of Washington bureaucrats. We do not need unfunded mandates and directives passed down to us when we can best make those decisions ourselves. Yet the Democrats have launched a false and misleading attack saying Roby has a “plan” to cut the U.S. Department of Education and to raise taxes. Their claims are 100 percent false and only used to scare voters.

These tactics always seem to roll around come election time. No telling what the Democratic Party will say next in this race. I will be voting to restore true conservative values and common sense to Washington come November 2nd. I hope other voters in this district will do their part to retire Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House by sending a Republican, Martha Roby, to the halls of Congress.

Kim Sasser