Bentley brings campaign to Troy
Published 8:57 pm Monday, September 27, 2010

Alabama Republican gubernatorial candidate Dr. Robert Bentley, right, speaks with Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford at Momma Goldberg's on Monday. (Messenger Staff Photo/Thomas Graning)
With only 35 days of campaigning left, Republican gubernatorial candidate Dr. Robert Bentley brought his message to downtown Troy on Monday for an old-fashioned rally on the town square.
He was joined by fellow GOP candidates Brian Taylor, John McMillian and Shannon Clark.
First there was a meet and greet period held in the newly open Momma Goldberg’s restaurant where Pike Count residents were allowed the opportunity to meet Bentley and other candidates first-hand. “It’s great for our community, shows that we have a strong community that he would visit and it’s a great edition to our downtown having him here. He’s a great person and a great candidate for our future governor,” said Jake Messenger, the owner of Momma Goldberg’s.
Bentley made it a point to get to know every member of the community present as he shook hands and discussed his hometown Tuscaloosa with Troy resident Wayne Williams. “He’s from my home town and I’m glad to have him here and support him in his campaign,” Williams.
All ages were present for the rally. College student Cody Mazio explained that it is important to our generation to have a voice for the future.
“The campaign is going really well. I believe I’ve resonated with people through our message,” said Bentley before stepping outside for his speech.
With 16 months of work behind them, 35 days of hard work lie ahead until Nov. 2, the day he described as D-Day, the day of change for Republicans. “We have the chance to do something for the first time that hasn’t been done in 136 years. We want to honor you by showing we are worthy of your vote. A government for all the people,” Bentley said.
Many challenges lie ahead, but the No. 1 issue is work. “I will spend every waking hour trying to find good quality jobs. It will not happen overnight. Every day when I wake up there are 200,000 people in Alabama without a job. Every day I don’t take a salary it is a reminder of our goal to reach full employment,” he said. Bentley has pledged not to take a salary as governor until Alabama reaches full employment.
The government itself has to become more accountable and that starts from the governor down, Bentley said.
“I’m running against the most liberal candidate that’s ever run,” said Bentley as he began to compare and contrast his Democratic opponent Ron Sparks.
“I’m pro-life and my opponent is pr-choice, the only Democrat I know who has admitted that,” said Bentley.
Bentley discussed other topics, including his stand on immigration and health care. On health care Bentley is strongly against government taking full control. “We need affordable health care but we can do that statewide. We can be laboratories for change,” Bentley said.
“We as individuals should take care of each other. I want the government to help me but get out of the way. Create an environment that creates jobs.”
John McMillian, ag commission candidate; Brian Taylor, state senate candidate; and Shannon Clark, circuit judge candidate spoke briefly concluding Bentley’s speech. All had a similar message: vote a straight ticket.
“This year is about electing people who will do the right thing,” Taylor said.
“I need them and you need them. We elect good people, we have a good government,” Bentley said.